Two tafl games with differing strategies which can be played on the 7 x 7 board
Viking and Anglo Saxon Games - Shop Online - The Historic Games Shop
livepages::jquery();?>Welcome to the Viking and Anglo-Saxon section of The Historic Games Shop. We hope you'll enjoy looking at the games, and, if you'd like to know more about them, you might like to visit our YouTube channel, where you can watch our short video introduction to Viking Games, amongst others. Or watch the video below!
Oak board with border, fixed with feature rosehead nails
Bordered version of our larger 9 x 9 "Tablut" variant of tafl
The 11 x 11 variant of Hnefatafl, recorded in a sixteenth century Welsh manuscript - please note, linen pouch only available
32 attackers face 16 defenders protecting their king
Our quarter-sawn oak version of the 19 x 19 variant of the tafl games
A game which has stood the test of time - popular from Roman times to the present day
Large oak board, 10" x 10", with ceramic playing pieces
Our standard version, of quarter-sawn oak, with ceramic playing pieces
A common find in Viking graves
Our version in yew wood of these enigmatic Viking artefacts
Two-sided gaming board inspired by a find from the Gokstad ship burial
Made to order - please contact us for further details
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